Fall Winter Dress Code Reminder

Hello Kindergarten Parents,
As fall has arrived, the Kindergarten team wanted to send a gentle reminder about cool-weather uniform requirements. Please keep the following in mind when you send your little ones to school dressed for warmth:
(1) Only ICSAtlanta approved indoor-outerwear can be worn in the building.  Any jacket/coat/sweatshirt that is non-uniform compliant can only be worn outside (when students go to recess, participate in outdoor activities, or leave at the end of the day).
(2) Students are not allowed to wear long-sleeve shirts under their uniform Polos.  If they arrive to school with long-sleeve undershirts, they will be sent to the nurse to change out of the undershirt.
(3) Boots are not uniform-compliant.
(4) Tights should be navy-blue or black only; designs or different colors are not allowed.  No cropped leggings are allowed–they must go all the way to the ankle and match the socks worn (no skin should be showing).
Please let us know if you have any questions. For your convenience you can access the uniform policy found on our school website by clicking the link below.